Emergency Guide: My Crown Fell Out But I’m Not in Pain – Now What?

Emergency Guide: My Crown Fell Out But I’m Not in Pain – Now What?

October 1, 2023

Dental emergencies can be quite unnerving, especially when your crown falls out unexpectedly. While it may not be accompanied by pain, it’s essential to address this situation promptly to prevent further damage or complications. In this emergency guide, we’ll discuss what you should do if your crown falls out, even if you’re not experiencing any discomfort. Whether you’re new to the concept of dental crowns or already familiar with them, we’ve got you covered.

Why Do Crowns Fall Out?

Before we dive into the steps you should take, let’s briefly understand why crowns may come loose in the first place. Several factors can contribute to the dislodgement of a crown:

Tooth decay: If the underlying tooth experiences decay, it can weaken the structure supporting the crown, causing it to fall out.

Poor oral hygiene: Lackluster brushing and flossing may result in gum disease, potentially causing the crown to loosen gradually.

Wear and tear: Over time, the cement holding the crown in place can weaken, leading to its dislodgement.

Trauma: Incidents or harm, like a tumble or impact to the face, might lead to a crown becoming dislodged.

Improper fit: If the crown hasn’t been properly fitted or is too old, it may not stay securely in place.

Now that we understand why crowns can fall out, let’s move on to what you should do if it happens to you.

Step 1: Stay Calm

Finding out that your crown has fallen out can be distressing, but it’s important to stay calm. Remember, you’re not experiencing any pain, so there’s no immediate cause for concern. Panicking can only make the situation seem worse than it actually is.

Step 2: Retrieve the Crown

Once you’ve composed yourself, the next step is to locate your crown. It’s crucial to handle it with care to avoid any damage. Gently pick it up, making sure not to touch the inner surface or any adhesive residue that may be present.

Step 3: Examine Your Crown and Tooth

Upon recovering your dental crown, examine it carefully. Look for any apparent damage, like cracks or chips.

Inspect your tooth as well, looking for signs of decay, infection, or other issues that could have contributed to the crown becoming loose. Take note of your observations, as you’ll need to discuss them with your dentist.

Step 4: Practice Good Oral Hygiene

While waiting to see your dentist, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth gently, making sure to avoid the area where the crown fell off. Gently wash your mouth using a light saltwater mix to maintain cleanliness and minimize infection risk. Remember to continue your regular brushing and flossing routine in the rest of your mouth as usual.

Step 5: Contact Your Dentist

To ensure the best outcome and prevent any complications, it’s crucial to contact your dentist as soon as possible. Let their office know about your situation, explaining that your crown has fallen out, but you’re not experiencing any pain. Provide them with all the details they may need regarding your observations of the crown and tooth. If you are in Pleasanton or a nearby area, consider contacting the dentist in Pleasanton, CA, who will guide you on the next steps to take for a swift resolution.

Step 6: Follow Your Dentist’s Advice

Once you’ve contacted your dentist, they will provide you with guidance on the next steps. They may schedule an appointment for you to come in and have the crown re-cemented. Alternatively, depending on the condition of the crown and tooth, they might recommend replacing it altogether. Follow your dentist’s advice closely to ensure the best outcome for your oral health.

Bonus Tips for Preventing Crown Dislodgement in the Future

While it’s difficult to predict when a crown may fall out, following these preventive measures can help minimize the risk:

Uphold stellar oral care: Ensure you brush your teeth at minimum twice daily and floss every day to sustain optimal oral health.

Visit your dentist regularly: Regular check-ups allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your crown and catch any issues early on.

Steer clear of hard or sticky items: To avoid putting undue strain on your crown, refrain from munching on hard sweets, ice, or other items that might cause harm to it.

Wear a mouthguard during physical activities: When participating in sports or activities where your face might be impacted, using a mouthguard offers additional safeguarding for your crown.

Take extra care with oral piercings: If you have oral piercings, be mindful of the potential damage they can cause to your crown. Avoid playing with them or accidentally bumping them against your teeth.

Experiencing a loose crown can be concerning, even if you’re not in pain. If you find yourself facing this situation and you’re in Pleasanton, CA, remember to stay calm, retrieve your crown, and examine it along with your tooth. Maintain good oral hygiene while awaiting your dentist’s guidance on dental crowns in Pleasanton, CA, and promptly contact their office for an appointment. Adhering to these guidelines and adopting preventative actions can reduce the chances of a crown coming loose in the future. So, breathe easy and trust that your Elite Dental and Orthodontics dentist will help restore your smile to its full glory in Pleasanton, CA!

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